1401 Johnson Ferry Rd Suite 164 Marietta, GA 30062

Are Implant Dentures Worth It?

Dental implants can secure a variety of restorations, from single dental crowns to dentures. Patients with multiple missing teeth benefit from traditional dentures because they restore part of the bite function and the smile’s aesthetics. However, dental implant-supported dentures last longer than traditional dentures and look and feel like natural teeth. There are many benefits that implant dentures provide patients when they receive restorative care for rows and arches of missing teeth in our East Cobb, GA, office. 

Are Implant Dentures Worth It?

Benefits of Implant Dentures in East Cobb, GA

Some patients may think that traditional dentures are enough and that implants are too much of an investment. However, dental implants increase the life of restorations and act more like natural teeth than removable, traditional dentures. Implant-secured dentures provide:

Improved Aesthetics

Patients enjoy the look of their new smiles once they see the gaps left by missing teeth filled with natural-looking restorations. Whether patients receive a single implant-secured crown or an implant-supported denture to replace all of their teeth, they can benefit from improved aesthetics. Restorations can also help improve patient’s confidence, so they no longer have to hide gaps in their smile in social situations. 

Lasting Restorations

Once dental implants integrate with the jaw bone, they should stay in place forever. While dentures may require replacement over time, the implant anchors are permanent. It is important to refrain from smoking or using tobacco products during the implant process to ensure the implants heal properly. 

Increased Bone and Gum Support

When you lose permanent teeth, you can also lose permanent jaw bone. Because dentures lay on the gums, they do not support the health of the underlying tissue or bone. Implants integrate with the jaw bone and act as replacement tooth roots, supporting the health of the surrounding tissues. Because implants replace teeth at the root, they preserve healthy teeth and gums. 

No Dietary Restrictions

Once you get accustomed to your implant-supported dentures, you can begin to eat foods that you could not with missing teeth.  Many patients who wear removable traditional dentures may not get as many nutritional benefits from their food if restricted to softer foods. With implant-supported dentures, you can eat chewier and harder foods than with removable dentures. 

No Slipping

Removable dentures use adhesives to stay in place. Still, they can slip around the mouth. Dental implants use titanium anchors that hold restorations in place. When patients bite and chew with implant-secured dentures, their restorations will not budge. Implants ensure that dentures will not slip or feel uncomfortable when eating or talking.  

Do you want dentures but don’t want to deal with slipping restorations? Call Sea of Pearls Dental Boutique for restorative dental treatment today at 470.795.6677 or request a dental consultation with Dr. Daniela Lemoine online.