1401 Johnson Ferry Rd Suite 164 Marietta, GA 30062

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can affect your everyday life, from making eating uncomfortable to distracting you from your work. If you have suddenly experienced tooth sensitivity or have chronic tooth sensitivity, you need to receive professional care. As your dentist in East Cobb, GA, we can help you find the cause of your sensitive teeth and create a solution to restore comfort to your smile. 

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Solving Sensitive Teeth: Your Dentist in East Cobb, GA

If you are unaware of why you have sensitivity, knowing the cause can make treatment simpler. Some of the most common causes of sensitive teeth include:

Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Brushing too hard or forcefully can wear down your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel can expose the nerves within the tooth, leading to pain and sensitivity. Be gentle when brushing, and remember to schedule regular dental visits so we can help remove any bacterial buildup from hard-to-reach areas of your smile. Brushing too fast or too aggressively will not result in a better clean.

Damaged Tooth

If you accidentally hit your tooth on an object, you can sustain damage that leads to sensitivity. For example, if you chip or crack a tooth, it can expose the inside of the tooth. Additionally, if you experience problems like tooth wear, you may be more likely to experience sensitivity because there is less of a protective outer layer or tooth enamel. Dental veneers, bonding, or crowns can cover and repair damaged teeth.

Tooth Decay

Harmful bacteria can build on and between teeth, leading to dental infections that create tooth pain and sensitivity. Treatments like root canals remove infected dental pulp and seal the tooth, and tooth extractions may be required if we cannot save your tooth. However, if we do find that we need to remove your tooth, we will provide a dental implant to restore the tooth at the root. Dental implants act like replacement tooth roots and stabilize tooth crowns, dental bridges, and dentures. 

Gum Disease

Periodontitis, or gum disease, is a common but highly damaging dental problem that can lead to tooth sensitivity. Patients with gum disease can experience gum recession and irritation that can also affect their teeth. Deep cleaning treatment in our office can remove bacteria from the gums and prevent further damage to the gum tissue. Patients with chronic gum disease symptoms can receive routine deep cleanings to keep their oral health in check. 

Address problems like tooth pain and sensitive teeth with professional dental care. If you are unsure why you have tooth sensitivity and need care, call Dr. Daniela Lemoine for treatment today at 470.795.6677. You may also request a dental appointment with Dr. Lemoine online. If you have any questions about your treatment options, please let Dr. Lemoine know; she will gladly assist you.