Do you avoid flossing because you don’t think it’s as important as brushing your teeth? Do you think that brushing your teeth harder means you’re cleaning them more effectively? These are common oral health myths. When it comes to dental health and oral hygiene, it’s important to follow tips from dental professionals. Don’t follow myths when it comes to your health because you can cause more damage than you think. Debunking Oral Health Myths in East Cobb, Georgia

Debunking Oral Health Myths in East Cobb, GA

Here we will debunk some of the most common oral health myths and show alternatives to follow to improve your dental hygiene:

Brushing Harder Helps Clean Your Teeth

You are not giving your teeth a better clean if you are brushing them aggressively. If you brush your teeth too hard, you can actually wear down your natural tooth enamel or the outer layer of the tooth. Instead, gently brush in circular motions over each tooth. Begin brushing on the outer surface of each tooth, then move to the chewing surfaces and the backs of teeth. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush can also help prevent wear to the tooth enamel.

Flossing Isn’t Important

Many people don’t floss because they think flossing does not contribute to their oral hygiene routine. However, flossing removes food debris from between teeth. In combination with brushing, flossing can remove bacterial buildup and help prevent problems like cavities and gum disease. Remember to floss at least once a day; you can also floss before you brush your teeth to get a better clean.

Bleeding Gums are Normal

If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, you may be brushing too hard, or you may have gum inflammation. Bleeding gums are not normal if patients floss and brush properly. Flossing and gently brushing will eliminate bleeding gums.

Gingivitis, or gum inflammation, is a common cause of bleeding gums. If your gums are red, swollen, or bleed when you brush and floss your teeth, you probably have gingivitis. Flossing more regularly and brushing gently can help reverse gingivitis. If gingivitis persists, it can turn into gum disease, which requires professional care.

Sugar Causes Cavities

Technically, the sugar itself does not create cavities. Harmful bacteria feed on sugars and starches left in the mouth. These bacteria create digestive acids that gradually wear down the tooth enamel, creating holes or pits in the teeth. Dental cavities can grow deep enough to expose the nerves, cells, and blood vessels in the tooth. Over time, patients will require a dental filling or dental crowns to fill a dental cavity and preserve the tooth. 

It’s always a good idea to watch sugar intake, hydrate regularly, and maintain a good oral hygiene routine to prevent cavities. While sugar is not the sole cause of dental cavities, it can lead to dental problems if you do not care for your smile properly. 

Do you need to schedule your next dental visit? Contact Sea of Pearls Dental Boutique for a cleaning and exam today at [new_patient_phone_span]. You can also request a dental appointment on our website. 

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